HEY!!! This website is getting old and out of date. Sorry about that. I'm going to college right now, so I'm just too busy to do anything here. I am thinking about taking some web design/development classes. I love web stuff, this site is a result of that. So, maybe when I'm done I'll use my new skills to update this place! We'll see!!! Only time will tell.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Update Blog... Update | 12-31-15

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Thursday, December 31st, 2015- It's a new year here in a few minutes. I haven't done an Update on here in a while. I don't know why. It wasn't only here. I missed out on a few Site Updates. But I have been catching up on those. I've just been lost in my mind this year. That's how it was. I was thinking about what I'm really doing. The last post I did was my Six Years post. And around that time I tend to look back at the other years. Just to see how things changed. I guess I got lost in the past. Looking at how things were then. I liked it. I made more than just Making-of videos for my pictures. But I like it more now. Sure, I'm only getting one view per video. But my photography is doing better. Once again I'm not making an money and no one knows me. I'm still having fun! The photo contest is coming back around. We are all ready! Hopeful I get another award. I don't care what it is. And if I don't get anything, at least I tried! We are in a pickle though. A pickle that would be fixed if I had a job. But there's a problem with that. No one wants me. I don't want to talk about it. You'll see it in the December Monthly Update Update. Speaking of the updates. Since I didn't post anything all year, I decided to do that now! The whole year is embedded below! This year was good and bad at the same time. I have high hopes for next year. SEVEN YEARS! I can't wait. It starts off with the contest! I'm excited! Have fun watching the videos! It was a pain to embed them all. HA!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Update Blog... Update | 3-13-15

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Friday, March 13th, 2015- So, it's been six years. Wow. Time has went by. I looked back at all the past Year videos. You can see me change. It was strange. I was all happy about everything and then...I changed.
Anyways, I updated the sites with the proper Six Years stuff. That's really I did. I haven't had time to work on anything. There's nothing new to add tot he sites anyways. They are perfect.
And then, I made a special video. There is also a blog post, but all it said was to watch the video. Click the thumbnail below to watch it.
And that's it. It's been a fun Six Years...and it's not the last. I just need to change me again.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Update Blog... Update | 2-2-15

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Monday, February 2nd, 2015- IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY!!! I have had a good month! Read these two posts. Picture 321 and Picture 322. They sum up my month and how I was feeling. Same thing with the Monthly Update. I wish I was actually type more. But the Site Update shows that...I just have no time anymore. My blog posts are short because I can't think and haven't got a lot of time to type. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to keep doing what I was doing. But my job is just killing my time. In a good way. It's the only way I'm getting money. I was hoping my photography and videos would do that...but that's not going to happen. I would have all the free time in the world! THAT REMINDS ME! You can buy my pictures. BUY SOME! I have to go.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Update Blog... Update | 1-2-15

This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Friday, January 2nd, 2015- HAPPY NEW YEAR! I didn't do a New Year's video or picture. I didn't have time! I have had pneumonia for over a week. I will always have a little bit left in me. I got back to work yesterday and things are going along great! Too bad being sick and what not made me sit around and do nothing! The Site Update is hardly an update. However, the Monthly Update is pretty epic. I just don't know what to do or say anymore.....