This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
That's right, I embedded a video. It's time for a change! It's a long one too. I did what I did last month by taking all the videos I recorded that month and putting them into one video! It was a busy month, but things are slowing down now. I'm slowly beginning to work on things. I made an actual new Profile Picture that wasn't a part of a series or an old one. I am limited right now. I lost a few editing programs, so I can't screen capture or have multi-angle videos. Hopefully I'll get it settled out. Speaking of settled out, there's a new site update. It's not that big of a V.X update, but it does solve my menu's #1 annoying problem. You can also see the other part of the update above. (If you're reading this on the Update Blog.) There's a new menu system. The Site Updates should get bigger now that I'm back to working on things. As for today's work, I'm done. I typed up this post! Came back next month for the next update!!!!
Sunday, October 5th, 2014- It's been a fun month... Things are right in my world. I got a new computer, my room's layout is complete, the houses is looking like a house, it's all good. You can see in this month's Monthly Update.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.
That's right, I embedded a video. It's time for a change! It's a long one too. I did what I did last month by taking all the videos I recorded that month and putting them into one video! It was a busy month, but things are slowing down now. I'm slowly beginning to work on things. I made an actual new Profile Picture that wasn't a part of a series or an old one. I am limited right now. I lost a few editing programs, so I can't screen capture or have multi-angle videos. Hopefully I'll get it settled out. Speaking of settled out, there's a new site update. It's not that big of a V.X update, but it does solve my menu's #1 annoying problem. You can also see the other part of the update above. (If you're reading this on the Update Blog.) There's a new menu system. The Site Updates should get bigger now that I'm back to working on things. As for today's work, I'm done. I typed up this post! Came back next month for the next update!!!!