This is a post from my UPDATE BLOG.
Monday, February 2nd, 2015- IT'S GROUNDHOG DAY!!! I have had a good month! Read these two posts. Picture 321 and Picture 322. They sum up my month and how I was feeling. Same thing with the Monthly Update. I wish I was actually type more. But the Site Update shows that...I just have no time anymore. My blog posts are short because I can't think and haven't got a lot of time to type. I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to keep doing what I was doing. But my job is just killing my time. In a good way. It's the only way I'm getting money. I was hoping my photography and videos would do that...but that's not going to happen. I would have all the free time in the world! THAT REMINDS ME! You can buy my pictures. BUY SOME! I have to go.